Part 107 certified

DJI Mavic Pro

The DJI Mavic Pro takes beautiful images.

What is Part 107?

Part 107 refers to the rules and regulations for non-hobbyist small unmanned aircraft (UAS) operations. In order to fly a drone for commercial purposes, a pilot must have a license issued by the FAA.

Part 107 rules and regulations:

  • The drone must always remain in sight
  • All flight must be performed during the day unless authorization has been approved
  • Maximum allowable altitude is 400 feet above the ground or structure
  • Maximum speed is 100 mph
  • Operating in controlled airspace is prohibited unless authorization has been approved
  • For the complete list of rules and regulations, click here.

Liability insurance

Accidents can happen so it’s important to have coverage. I currently offer on-demand liability insurance through Verifly.

This on-demand insurance provides liability coverage for up to $5 million.

Airspace compliance

Before I take off, I make sure I am not flying in controlled airspace by using online tools and apps on my phone. The two apps I prefer are called Airmap and KittyHawk. These apps show me the airspace of my current location or an address that I search.

If I am flying within 5-miles of an airport, the FAA requires that I notify them of my flight. These apps make that easy by providing the airport’s phone number or contact information.

Safety first

A lot of hard work was put into getting Part 107 passed into law. I do my part by adhering to the laws and flying safe. Pre-flight checks and flight logs are a regular part of my drone operations. Contact me if you have any questions.
