Cape May weekend

It’s an annual tradition to spend a weekend in Cape May, New Jersey. Every year, my wife and I drive there on a Friday evening to meet her family at Aleathea’s, the Inn of Cape May.


Aleathea’s, the Inn of Cape May

This year, I put together a recap video for fun. It was a great opportunity to take some drone photos and video.

Flying at the beach

It seems like the beach would be a great place to fly a drone because the scenery is beautiful and it’s a wide-open area. In reality, the beach presents a few challenges for drone operation:

  • The wind can be strong and gusty.
  • There are lots of people on the beach.
  • There can be a constant circuit of airplanes pulling banners.

At 6 a.m. the conditions are best

I woke up at about 4:30 a.m. to set up my time lapse camera and went back to bed. Around 6 a.m. it was time to take to the sky.

During flight I learned to take the strong wind warnings that pop up on my controller more seriously. I was taking pictures from from over the ocean and got hit with a strong gust. My drone toppled through the air and I lost control of it for about 30 seconds. It was a scary moment.

Enjoy the video!

